Jianguo Lu


5112 Lambton Tower, 401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, Canada
Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext 3786
Fax: (519) 973-7093
Email: jlu at uwindsor dot ca

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Jianguo Lu is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Windsor. His research interests are in the areas of the hidden (deep) web, online social networks, text and graph mining algorithms. He obtained his Doctoral degree in Computer Science from Nanjing University. He held visiting positions at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Toronto. This year I serve in the edtorial board of International Journal of Big Data Intelligence.

To prospective graduate students:

Please do not write to me if we did not meet before--there are emails from prospective students almost everyday, hence I won't reply any enquiries from strangers. I am accepting PhD and Master's students and you are welcome to apply via our application system. Acceptted PhD students will receive TAShip and RAship. The RAship for PhD students starts at $12k per year. The thesis topics will be in the area of LLM (Large Language Models). Do not apply if you are not a graduate in computer science -- I won't take students from related areas such as Electrical and Computer Engineering.

My current projects

Mining the deep web using sampling and neural network algorithms, NSERC Discovery.

My past projects

Some useful links

Courses I taught

Selected publications (More publications)